Thursday 1 February 2018

Task 22: Ancillary Tasks - Digipak Design 2

*From the feedback in my previous digipak, I have made changes based on my audience's preferences. 

Full Layout:


This is the front cover of my digipak. My overall inspiration was to have some sort of 80's vibe, hence the bright but dimmed colours, and my the costume my actor is wearing. I also wanted to implement the idea of an old glitchy VHS as there were a common product of the 80's. I also believe that distorted, coloured images reflect the alternative genre. I added scratches to the front cover so it looked more damaged and distorted instead of clean. This is because to me, the scratches convey the dark side of the indie/alternative genre. Most indie songs are usually dark and have sad themes. 


I wanted the back cover to show similar features which were also on the front cover. I used the same colour scheme, text font and scratches. I used this so the whole cover would follow a similar theme and make the digipak seem "whole". I added a few distortion effects to the back too so it wasn't just a plain background. Most back covers have institutional information - so, i wrote my own information and made is small enough to read. I also added the record label and the conventional bar code. 
What my institutional info says. 

Disc Design:
I wanted my disc design to stand out against the rest of the digipak. I wanted it to be a contrast from the washed out colours i used on the front and back cover. This is because I wanted to appeal slightly more to the alternative side of my genre by adding bright colours. I also used bright colour with the hopes of it conveying a slightly brighter side to the alternative/indie genre. I yet again used the same font for the title of the digipak. This is because I want to have a convention running the whole way through - the font can be identified with my artist. I missed out the O is distorted and instead used the small cut out circle in the disc as an O. I did this because it's slightly different and reflects the word. The text is distorted as it is missing a letter. 

 Inside Covers:
I used these images to reflect both the indie and the alternative genre. I used costume to reflect the indie nature, and used slightly washed out colours. To implement the alternative, I used faded overlays of shapes to make the images stand out more and seem different. I put a small quote on one of them because It gives insight into the artist. My artist may not have said the quote, but it gives insight into how he thinks and feels as he choose the quote. I mentioned earlier I wanted a VHS theme. I reflected this again in my second image by creating a small recording screen - implying it's being filmed with a old video camera, but its been paused. This idea was suggested to me during audience feedback and i believe it is effective. It creates a pause in time and looks like the picture was taken from filming. 

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