Saturday 7 April 2018

Task 22: Ancillary Tasks - Digipak Design 3

Final Product:

(missed out in the video):
Designing the CD:

Step 1:
First I started with a blank CD base - something I could use as a guide as I planned the rest of my digipak. Once I decided the theme of my digipak, I started to design my CD.

Step 2: 
I placed an overlay over the CD base (reducing opacity of the overlay so I could see the base). This made it easier when erasing away the edges of the overlay. 

Step 3:
As much as I liked this disk design, I still believed that it needed a bit more before I added text. I decided to add a slight colour distortion over the black, in order to make it stand out and to give the CD a little extra detail. I cut small blocks of white out, distorted the pixels using the wave tool and then using "Advance blurring - channels", I was able to change the colours of the distorted white blocks to green and red, by removing the blue channel, in order to create a glitched look. 

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