Saturday 7 October 2017

Task 13: Editing Techniques

Filming this small scene was very time consuming and attention to detail is key. We had to make sure our actors were always in the same spot - we did this by centring them and using a tape measure to make sure they were always the same distance from the camera.

However, continuity in this clip was extremely hard to achieve as there were lighting changes, wind effected hair, and the actors would do different things with their arms which they didn't do in the next shot. This makes it slightly hard to watch without noticing these continuity errors.

What Have I Learnt? 

From this I have learnt that continuity is very important. The audience will notice small details that don't add up, and that will really take away from the viewing experience. It also gives the impression that there was no effort in trying to make sure the video linked up.

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