Wednesday 15 November 2017

Filming: Day One - The Studio

Filming Prep: 

To ensure we were more prepared, Emma and I made lists to keep track of the props, costume and equipment, as well as who was in charge of it. This allowed us to share out all of the items without  over loading one person.


We also had Sam wear a white T-shirt, as this is best for viewing colours, and the projector images on. 

Set Up:

 The Set up from our view - We positioned the camera in the centre of the huge white background and angled the lights.
 The set up of the camera/the projector. The camera was placed onto a tripod and was left there at eye level height. The projector was also carefully balanced on the back cabinets, where it was able to shine onto the white screen.

Testing Lights & Filters:

The filters we used:

Coloured Gel filters, borrowed from the school

Filters On Our Model:

Below are the photos we took of our performance model, Sam. We tested all the light filters to see which ones had strong colour and worked well with the camera. Over all, Emma and i preferred the dark reds and oranges, as well as dark blues and purples. 

Filters On The Set:

A Few Examples Of Raw Footage:


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